Thursday 29 April 2010

Jedi Knights

Katie is super into Star Wars right now. She's got a few of friends that that really love Star Wars and have lightsaber fights all the time with brothers and neighborhood friends. We had purchased some lightsabers at Sea World of all places and unfortunately one broke while they were playing with them. I was kind of hoping that was the end of it. Silly me! 

A friend asked me if I could make some Jedi cloaks for a 4 year old boy's birthday party. It was a fun challenge and I came up with a pattern that seemed to work. I had some spare white fabric, so I made one with that first. Then, I *had* to make an extra one so that both big girls could have a cloak. (The cloaks I made for the party were brown.) I let the girls help pack their bags with clothes and toys and their Jedi cloaks were one of the must-have items.

Today, we were on our way back from the gym and I got a little turned around with the bus stops. We wound up missing our bus, which meant that we would have to wait 15 minutes for the next one. And, guess what?!?! The bus stop is right next to a toy/gaming store, and they have Star Wars items in the window. So, I let the girls go inside and pick out one toy each. They picked up a few different Star Wars items and settled on matching green lightsabers. I told them that they could play with them only outside and that they had to first take naps.

Cole got home early from work that day. So, we all went out to a little field behind our flat. Katie and Dani put on their cloaks and even made a lightsaber for Claire out of constructors. We put a little green cape on Claire, but she didn't feel like wearing it for very long. They girls had a blast battling each other. They really loved it when they were able to start ganging up on Cole! And, Cindy and Cole really enjoyed the background views of this epic battle!

Here's a picture of the back of our flat from the field: 

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I knew Francis from high school and met Cole once or twice - I LOVE your pics and your blog!!! How fun! The pics are amazingly gorgeous and so is your sweet family! Thanks for a little taste of where you are and what you are doing!!
    Beth Trevett Salter
