Friday 18 June 2010

Happy Birthday to Claire!

Our baby is now 2 years old! Wow! Time sure does fly! We were all very excited about it being Claire's birthday. Cole and I realize that this means we are getting closer to being able to do a little more with the girls. But, it does mean we're one step closer to the teen years, doesn't it??? Katie was happy about Claire turning 2, and immediately wished her sister a "Happy Birthday, Claire." Dani and Katie then sang to Claire and gave her some presents. She got a Littlest Pet Shop penguin and some shiny pink shoes. Claire was a happy girl!

A few days before Claire's birthday, Katie was saying that she didn't want Claire to get any older. I asked her why and she explained that she does want Claire to be able to speak more clearly. And, she does want her to be able to do more things with them. However, she doesn't want Claire to stop being so cute. I looked at Katie and said, "But you're cute, right. And, you're a big girl." Katie responded, "Yes." And I said, "So, she'll still be cute." And, Katie said, "But, I'm not cute like that!" and pointed to Claire. Babies are cute, but I am ready for better communication with the littlest one!

For her birthday, I painted a "Cheeky Monkey" on a pink shirt. The monkey was eating a cupcake and had 2 balloons. And, I painted a cupcake and balloons on her pants. I thought she needed a special birthday outfit. After eating breakfast and opening presents, we headed to the gym. All 3 girls got a free cookie for Claire's birthday! I thought that was really sweet. As we were about to leave the gym, one of our friends (Sioban and baby Kaitlyn) came by just to give Claire a present. She got a pink Scotland shirt and 2 Nessie lollipops for her sisters. Claire had to have one lolli. So, Katie and Dani shared the other one.

After the gym, we gathered food together and headed to the park. After a little while our friends Abdul and Riana from Kismot met us there and the girls all had fun eating cupcakes together and playing with little Liya. Claire got more presents: drawing things, candy, a Katie Morag (very Scottish!) book, and a Tweetie bird doll. Cole had to run off to give a presentation, but the girls had fun playing in the play park. Then, they all got some ice cream. Yum!

After that, we headed back to the flat. The girls all took naps. Then, we went on a walk and Miss Lucy showed up to babysit the girls. She brought a Cinderella book, cool marshmallows, and a card for Claire for her birthday. Cole and I enjoyed some time out walking around and hanging out at a local pub. Then, we got some coffee and dessert at a coffee shop. The girls enjoyed watching Harry Potter and licking the icing off another cupcake. I think it was a pretty perfect day for a 2 year old to have a birthday! Claire seemed happy pretty much the whole day! And, Cole and I were touched by the number of people that did a little something extra for her on her special day!

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