Wednesday 30 June 2010

Last Day at the Gym!

Our time in Edinburgh is quickly coming to an end! We're looking forward to getting back to our own place, but we'll definitely miss this place. Today was my last day at the gym. We're leaving July 10, so it didn't make sense to pay for another full month of membership. And, the gym said there was no way they could work with me such that I could come in for the last 10 days that we are here. I know I'll miss it, but it's also nice to not feel like I have somewhere that I have to be every morning. 

The girls like playing at the gym, but I think they were also happy that they wouldn't have to get up and rush there every morning. Plus, they are excited that they will get to see their grandmothers later today!!! So, on our last days at the gym, we made sure we took pictures with their babysitters, Miss Lucy and Miss Susie, who work in Club V. And, we got some pictures of baby Kaitlin. The girls fell in love with Kaitlin and wanted to adopt her as their baby sister!

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