Thursday 17 June 2010

Scottish Storytelling Centre

A lady at the gym recommended that I take the girls to the Scottish Storytelling Centre for Story Space: Lives and Legends. It's a lively storytelling session with Marie Louise Cochrane for children ages 2-5. It mixes Scottish tales with games and song.

This morning we got up and went to the gym early. From the gym we headed to the Storytelling Centre. It was a little too eventful getting there! We were, of course, running late and we missed the bus we wanted to take. So, we had to get creative. Then, Dani hurt her back at one of the bus stops and couldn't stop crying. We had to literally run from one bus stop to another (with Dani still crying). I told the girls that I didn't think we would make it on time and Katie had to fight back tears. We got on another bus that took us close to the road we wanted. And, we were able to make it to the centre a few minutes late. (The whole trek there, Claire was basically bouncing along on my hip having a good old time!) 

When we got there, the girls got shy. Claire wasn't very interested in participating. I let her play with my iPod to keep her quiet. Katie and Dani were tired, hungry, and thirsty. Katie said that it was because of all of the running. Katie and Dani listened for a little while and laughed at a few things. But, then Dani got restless and had a hard time sitting still. Claire then decided that she wanted to sit with everyone, but she was insistent on getting juice. I finally ran to the cafe and got them all a juice box. That seemed to make things a little better. 

The storytelling part was rather cute. There were descriptive stories and then songs that went with the stories. The kids were asked to reenact some of the events. Katie was pretty enthusiastic about answering any and all questions! There was one story about a family that liked to sleep a lot. However, their youngest child did not. The child would wake up and ask for things like water or a missing sock. As she kept her family up, they got increasingly grumpy. The storyteller asked the kids if anyone in their family was grumpy in the morning. Katie turned around and looked at me. I smiled at her and she stuck her finger out and pointed to me to indicate that I'm grumpy in the morning!

It was a bit rocky getting there, but in the end, I think the girls had a lot of fun.

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