Saturday 15 May 2010

Edinburgh Zoo

This weekend, we originally thought that we would try to go to Glasgow. But, we got a bit of a late start and the kids were acting a little tired. So, instead, we headed to the Edinburgh Zoo. (

They boast that they have the largest and most exciting wildlife attraction in Scotland with over 1,000 animals. The girls were excited to be going somewhere new, and they were most excited about seeing penguins and leopards! We got there in the late morning, so we only looked at a few animals before stopping to eat our lunch. Among some of the first animals we saw were a swimming sea lion and a splashing Steller's sea eagle. We all liked watching the sea eagle splash in the water. Katie asked what they eat, and Cole told her "meat." She guessed that the kind of meat they like to eat is mice. We then read that they mostly eat carrion, or dead animals.

We found a place with a few benches where we ate our lunch. There was a little hill that the girls enjoyed running up and down. It seems like you only need a grassy hill to entertain these kids! Next, we found the penguins!!! And, near the penguins was a playground! So, we spent a good bit of time with the kids playing on the playground. The girls all enjoyed the slide. And, Claire and Katie decided that they needed to go down the slide together. Claire would squish her eyes closed super tight for the ride down the slide. Then, when they got to the bottom, she'd open them and laugh! Silly kid! Katie sure enjoyed playing with her baby!

Next, we went to the Monkey House. And, yes, we felt right at home there! At first, the rooms all seemed to be empty. Then, we saw a monkey come down through a hole in the ceiling into his room. The girls thought that was really funny. We enjoyed looking at the different monkeys, and the girls enjoyed running down the hallway and acting silly. Katie was especially cuddly with her daddy and then all of the girls decided that they needed to jump on top of Daddy on a bench. I'm surprised that we weren't given our own room in the Monkey House!

About this time, we were all pretty tired and ready to head back. But, it was time for the penguin parade! Walking back to the parade, we saw a cute little animal called a Southern pudu. Of course, the girls had to say, "Awwwww!" 

The area for the penguin parade was packed,  so we weren't able to see much. Katie did get to see a few penguins waddle down the road, but that was about it.

Next, we had to look for leopards! We didn't find any, but we did get to stand next to a pacing tiger. He would walk towards us, then stare right at the girls and turn around and walk the other way. They girls jumped every time and were a bit concerned that the tiger would learn how to get out and get them. But, after a little while, even though they were still jumping they were also laughing. We found a spotted jaguar sitting up high in his tree house, so he was rather hard to see. He looked enough like a leopard to make Katie happy.

On the way out, we found yet another playground. So, there was more sliding. Katie learned how to use a rope and some steps to climb up to the top of a tower. And, after a few tries, she learned how to get back down by herself. Dani also enjoyed climbing and exploring. Sometimes we forget what a big girl she is now. She's quite competent on the playground! And, Claire found the slide!

On the way out, we walked by a large sea lion asleep on a rock in the middle of his pool. He was idly splashing his flipper in the water. Someone commented that he looked "lovely" because he was so comfortable and peaceful. I must admit, I was a little jealous. He did look well rested!

At the exit, there was a large penguin that the girls had to love on. And, we had to walk through the gift store, so the girls got little stuffed Edinburgh penguins to bring home. When we finally got back to the flat, they all enjoyed a large bowl of ice cream. 

It was another fun and exhausting day! And, we're wondering how long it will take us all to recuperate from this outing! We think we'll take the Glasgow trip during the week so that it will be less crowded!

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